the weather man lies: Blurry ride home
the weather man lies: Blurry feets
the weather man lies: post-wedding boredom
the weather man lies: warp speed mr. sulu
the weather man lies: dashboard confessional
the weather man lies: long drive home
the weather man lies: Some random light blurs
the weather man lies: Delaware Memorial Bridge
the weather man lies: Zooming to the bridge
the weather man lies: Crossing the Delaware
the weather man lies: Love is sweet
the weather man lies: The arch at sunset
the weather man lies: the last bits of sunlight
the weather man lies: two down two to go
the weather man lies: Sipping on gin and juice
the weather man lies: bidding adieu
the weather man lies: Joe feasts on candy
the weather man lies: Her futures so bright..
the weather man lies: Sam up close
the weather man lies: Magnified Smirk
the weather man lies: Nice pedicure
the weather man lies: Having a camera off
the weather man lies: The next Tiger Woods
the weather man lies: Yeah she more that to a wedding