the waving cat: Maria Sole, Düsseldorf
the waving cat: Van Dyck, Köln Ehrenfeld
the waving cat: Torrefaktum, Hamburg Ottensen
the waving cat: what we're drinking this week
the waving cat: coffee circle
the waving cat: roestbar Münster
the waving cat: Mokum Espresso by Two For Joy
the waving cat: Blaue Bohnen
the waving cat: Nude Espresso
the waving cat: Coffee Circle Espresso
the waving cat: Peru, Cruz Del Sur beans
the waving cat: Intelligentsia
the waving cat: Intelligentsia, Agua Preta, Brazil: Sao Benedito
the waving cat: Counter Culture
the waving cat: Has Bean Coffee
the waving cat: Sense Appeal Coffee Roasters Boroida Estates, Toronto
the waving cat: Has Bean Coffee Has Been Had
the waving cat: Ritual
the waving cat: Stumptown!
the waving cat: Coffee Circle - Duromina
the waving cat: Red Brick
the waving cat: 60 Granos
the waving cat: 60 Granos
the waving cat: Companion
the waving cat: Five Elephant Brazil Yellow Catuai Natural
the waving cat: Rogue Espresso
the waving cat: jb Kaffee
the waving cat: FiveElephant Ethopia
the waving cat: Red Brick