Neil Crosby: Bletchley Park: Geek Here!
Neil Crosby: Funkmeister!
Neil Crosby: A weapon
Neil Crosby: Do not switch off mains power supply, even though there's a non-system or disk error
Neil Crosby: Turing Glare!
Neil Crosby: Enigma Machine
Neil Crosby: Frank Carter of the Bombe Rebuild Project
Neil Crosby: More Enigma Machine
Neil Crosby: Colourful dials
Neil Crosby: In, out. In, out. Shake it all about.
Neil Crosby: I need wires. Lots of wires.
Neil Crosby: A B C D E F G H
Neil Crosby: Spinning cogs
Neil Crosby: Lovely mechanisms
Neil Crosby: Drawing room ceiling
Neil Crosby: Nick Miers - An Enigmatic Guide
Neil Crosby: Lights in the Bletchley Park mansion
Neil Crosby: Bletchley Park map detail
Neil Crosby: This chap just begged me to take his picture
Neil Crosby: Da Bombe
Neil Crosby: A broken pane of glass
Neil Crosby: The National Museum of Computing needs your help
Neil Crosby: One of the National Museum of Computing chaps.
Neil Crosby: Mr Squirrel teaches Mr Duck how to fix the Colossus
Neil Crosby: Make your own Enigma Machine - Two Key version
Neil Crosby: The Enigma ABC cinema