Neil Crosby: Steve, stunned (but not stunning)
Neil Crosby: And, you're under
Neil Crosby: Geeks
Neil Crosby: IMG_2340.JPG
Neil Crosby: Frances gets her branding wrong and doesn't scowl in the photo
Neil Crosby: Branded
Neil Crosby: Fly on the Wall (The Toilets - The Bricklayers Arms)
Neil Crosby: Here's looking at you
Neil Crosby: Salute!
Neil Crosby: CHEESE!
Neil Crosby: Drunken Charades, Allegedly
Neil Crosby: CHEESE!
Neil Crosby: Invisible Mouse
Neil Crosby: Photo time
Neil Crosby: Up Matt's Nose
Neil Crosby: Paul dials in from afar
Neil Crosby: Boozineges