Neil Crosby: Grrrr, argh
Neil Crosby: Snaily McSnail
Neil Crosby: Convertable Smart Car
Neil Crosby: Scary Tree
Neil Crosby: Soviet Superman says "Eat Wheat Crunchies"
Neil Crosby: What have I become?
Neil Crosby: The Super Claw of Norm
Neil Crosby: Bizarro + Prez 4evah!
Neil Crosby: Russian stacking Beakers
Neil Crosby: Beppo, The Super-Monkey
Neil Crosby: GASH!
Neil Crosby: "I'm sorry, but they aren't allowed out to play"
Neil Crosby: Mantenna
Neil Crosby: Mantenna
Neil Crosby: Optimus Prime
Neil Crosby: Optimus Prime needs you!