red stilletto: Our balcony view
red stilletto: Get a handle
red stilletto: Lezzeno
red stilletto: A room with a view in Lezzeno
red stilletto: Hotel Villa Aurora
red stilletto: Our room with a view
red stilletto: Across the lake
red stilletto: Lakeside Lezzeno
red stilletto: A perfect night
red stilletto: A view to dine for
red stilletto: Balcony
red stilletto: Hotel Villa Aurora
red stilletto: Early morning Lezzeno
red stilletto: As the sun comes up
red stilletto: Cornered
red stilletto: Captivating view
red stilletto: Green door
red stilletto: Down the way
red stilletto: Lunch, lakeside, restaurant Hotel Aurora
red stilletto: Good morning Lezzeno
red stilletto: Off the beaten track
red stilletto: Aaahhh coffee
red stilletto: The boy & the boat
red stilletto: The wondoor of it all
red stilletto: More green doors
red stilletto: Dinner, Hotel Aurora
red stilletto: Waiting
red stilletto: Abandoned
red stilletto: Killer views and a killer ride