The Visual Poet: “But friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every fold.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes
The Visual Poet: P1030476
The Visual Poet: P1030533
The Visual Poet: P1030587
The Visual Poet: P1030584
The Visual Poet: 'Rose-Drops!
The Visual Poet: 'Purple Haze'! - Penstemon.
The Visual Poet: 'Just'...
The Visual Poet: P1030566
The Visual Poet: P1030582
The Visual Poet: P1030568
The Visual Poet: DSCN2745
The Visual Poet: P1040054
The Visual Poet: 'Speckled beauté'
The Visual Poet: “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. James Matthew Barrie ”
The Visual Poet: P1030967