Tim Campbell1: Milky Way
Tim Campbell1: Not C2011 L4 PanSTARRS
Tim Campbell1: Gibbous Moon
Tim Campbell1: Dumbbell Nebula
Tim Campbell1: Hercules Cluster (Messier 13)
Tim Campbell1: Copernicus Crater
Tim Campbell1: Public Viewing
Tim Campbell1: Just after 3rd contact
Tim Campbell1: Sun in "White Light"
Tim Campbell1: Dirty C14 Corrector
Tim Campbell1: C14 Close-up of Dirty Corrector
Tim Campbell1: C14 Clean
Tim Campbell1: Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
Tim Campbell1: Andromeda Galaxy & Companions
Tim Campbell1: Andromeda (Natural)
Tim Campbell1: Lagoon Nebula
Tim Campbell1: Lower Region of Orion
Tim Campbell1: First Quarter Moon
Tim Campbell1: Dumbbell (raw frame)
Tim Campbell1: Dumbbell Nebula
Tim Campbell1: Waxing Crescent Moon
Tim Campbell1: Orion Region HDR
Tim Campbell1: Tracking Test (8 Minutes)
Tim Campbell1: Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
Tim Campbell1: Sun in Ha
Tim Campbell1: Sun in Ha 13-May-2022
Tim Campbell1: Fireworks Galaxy