Vincent Ma: Wall framing is done
Vincent Ma: New tools..
Vincent Ma: A big box for a big tool.
Vincent Ma: Demolition hammer in action!
Vincent Ma: Yes it was a fun four hours!
Vincent Ma: I did send the kids and the wife to visit the grannies..
Vincent Ma: Planning for the routing of the drains has started.
Vincent Ma: Everything has been glued!!
Vincent Ma: Another view of the drains before they are covered up for good.
Vincent Ma: Last chance to make sure everything has been done..
Vincent Ma: Putting back the gravel
Vincent Ma: Hand spreading the gravel..
Vincent Ma: One last look before the concrete is poured.
Vincent Ma: The crappy $4 a bag concrete was used..
Vincent Ma: Pilot hole for the ventilation fan duct.
Vincent Ma: 4" hole in my house.
Vincent Ma: You can see inside ha ha ha.
Vincent Ma: This piece of vent pipe goes thru the wall.
Vincent Ma: Vent cover installed and caulked up.
Vincent Ma: The puck of wood removed from the rim joist
Vincent Ma: The ventilation fan, wired up and tested.
Vincent Ma: The shower stall is fully framed.
Vincent Ma: The shower pan
Vincent Ma: Shower hardware is done.
Vincent Ma: [forgot name of hardware that connects to shower stem]
Vincent Ma: Wiring the switches and plug.
Vincent Ma: The fan duct and rim joist area insulated.
Vincent Ma: Piping
Vincent Ma: The pot lights line up in a row.
Vincent Ma: The pot light for the shower