thevieve: hotel
thevieve: BIG BEER
thevieve: flogger plants
thevieve: delicate fern
thevieve: aaaand one more
thevieve: a little disorienting, isn't it?
thevieve: reflecting pool
thevieve: air plant
thevieve: oohh, orange plant
thevieve: some other plant
thevieve: also not real
thevieve: no, that's not real
thevieve: informative text
thevieve: CHOMP
thevieve: another cool plant!
thevieve: cool plant!
thevieve: temple of humidity
thevieve: conservatory of flowers
thevieve: green shooz
thevieve: horrified? bemused?
thevieve: c'mon!
thevieve: ron
thevieve: o'shiva's
thevieve: dave
thevieve: our wall are much nicer
thevieve: abercrombie dudes! squeeeeeee!
thevieve: coffee 'n' cleavage
thevieve: chris 'n' cupcake
thevieve: calvin
thevieve: poor sophie