The Untrained Eye: Tortoise
The Untrained Eye: Tortoise
The Untrained Eye: Undisclosed Monkeys
The Untrained Eye: This monkey fell over, but it's not easy to see that in a still photo is it
The Untrained Eye: Tiger having lunch
The Untrained Eye: Tiger having lunch
The Untrained Eye: Lionesses
The Untrained Eye: Lioness prowling
The Untrained Eye: Giraffes
The Untrained Eye: More giraffes
The Untrained Eye: Yet more giraffes
The Untrained Eye: Giraffe licking a fence
The Untrained Eye: Nom nom nom giraffes love fences
The Untrained Eye: Me and giraffes and double chins
The Untrained Eye: I am so sick of giraffes
The Untrained Eye: Even more giraffes