The UberSteve: 19 Jan. 2013. Washington, DC. Standing out from the crowd
The UberSteve: 19 Jan. 2013. Washington, DC. Obamashirt
The UberSteve: 19 Jan. 2013. Washington, DC. On Reverse, Forward
The UberSteve: Inaugural Obama Head Hawker
The UberSteve: Warp Speed
The UberSteve: 19 Jan. 2013. Washington, DC. Posing In Front of the Capitol, as Required by Law
The UberSteve: 19 Jan. 2013. Washington, DC. Someone Come Buy This Damn Shirt Already
The UberSteve: 19 Jan. 2013. Washington, DC. Sara at 7th and D
The UberSteve: 19 Jan. 2013. Washington, DC. Capitol Prepped for Inauguration
The UberSteve: 19 Jan. 2013. Washington, DC. Button Guy