Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
008/ 365 Now thats the spirit!
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
009/ 365 Wisconsin Sheriff
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
012/ 365 Wisconsin weather
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
013/365 Sleepy head
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
019/ 366 Beloit, WI Fire Department
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
017/ 366 Happiness
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
020/ 366 Another snowy day
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
022/ 366 Yucky night
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
024/ 366 For the birds
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
026/ 366 Foggy morning
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
032/366 4pm Moon in Janesville, WI front yard
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
031/366 Truck
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
Janesville,WI police:Busted
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
041/366 Winter returns.
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
Frostie Freeze
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
Janesville snowplow
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
A fuzzy room at the Hedburg Public Library
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
Nitrogen Refrigerated Liquid truck
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
Where Wisconsin and Illinois meet
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
over Janesville, WI
Sarah Lawver (follow me on Instagram!):
Union Pacific