Shannon Badiee: upload
Shannon Badiee: Time for new #catsweater(s) #MathCat
Shannon Badiee: Cheers to two years of marriage! Happy anniversary @jaredzimmerman
Shannon Badiee: In an attempt to rescue a hummingbird off a semi enclosed patio, @jaredzimmerman need to conjure the spirits. The hummingbird safely escaped after the stressful ordeal.
Shannon Badiee: A couple things: #CarbonCat was not harmed in this photo, do not leave dead plants out for more than a day (or so) and catnip should be used in moderation.
Shannon Badiee: Midday naps, #MathCat cleans #CarbonCat and @jaredzimmerman snores.
Shannon Badiee: These clowns #MathCat #CarbonCat
Shannon Badiee: #MathCat tucked himself in.
Shannon Badiee: New Mural
Shannon Badiee: Progress of mural Camer1 & Gathe
Shannon Badiee: Little red #carboncat in the hood?
Shannon Badiee: #MathCat & #CarbonCat getting ready for bed