Stitches in Play:
making lunch
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it's very important that her socks do not match
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reading after bed time
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after the rain the ducks came
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after school snack
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him practicing guitar. her practicing jazz
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on the way home from dance the girl asked for take-out.
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hello fabric. i see you.
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fourth grade science project in progress
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snow play
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one slice left
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mid practice reading
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no pictures!
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with this many snow days, mama needs a little break!
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so hungry they didn't bother to set the table
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zoe loves snow days
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hot chocolate please
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i remembered to take a photo on my way to bed
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light + flowers = happy
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zoe is one very energetic pup
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on my way to pick the kiddos up on this gloomy afternoon
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zoe still chews things that are not meant for chewing, thus this is not a safe spot for my camera
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just one. i had earned it. on my way to bed.
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long week. i took on too many responsibilities.
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me. back from the gym. i love taking showers there. afternoon light. very dirty mirror.
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leftover rice and chicken/veggie soup for lunch.