thetejon: Me and the kids
thetejon: Seattle Pride Parade
thetejon: IMG_20150708_144636540
thetejon: IMG_20150719_163004226~2
thetejon: IMG_20150721_201923733_HDR~2
thetejon: Monorail selfie
thetejon: IMG_20150808_130942191_HDR
thetejon: IMG_20150628_164345637_HDR
thetejon: Proposal
thetejon: Hanging out on the porch on our last night in Melbourne
thetejon: Hi gorgeous
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thetejon: YAY_1733
thetejon: YAY_1732
thetejon: YAY_1691
thetejon: IMG_20160813_115619271_HDR-01
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thetejon: IMG_20160813_122143598_HDR
thetejon: IMG_20160813_115622945_HDR
thetejon: IMG_20160813_115619271_HDR
thetejon: IMG_20160813_111757764
thetejon: It may be warm out
thetejon: download_20160819_152721
thetejon: IMG_20160817_112438944
thetejon: What else are you going to do with 8 hours in the Houston airport?
thetejon: IMG_20160815_150633120
thetejon: Browsing the duty free shops
thetejon: Riding around Lancaster PA