thetejon: JER_0227
thetejon: JER_0226
thetejon: With her Great Grandmother
thetejon: JER_0211
thetejon: JER_0210
thetejon: JER_0209
thetejon: JER_0208
thetejon: JER_0201
thetejon: Brayden is fascinated by the baby
thetejon: JER_0199
thetejon: Chewing on mommy's finger is better than screaming
thetejon: JER_0214
thetejon: JER_0215
thetejon: JER_0216
thetejon: JER_0217
thetejon: JER_0218
thetejon: JER_0230
thetejon: Yawn or scream? You decide.
thetejon: Sleeping while we had drinks
thetejon: We owe you one for this, Adelina
thetejon: Sleeper from Grammie
thetejon: Barb at Commonwealth
thetejon: Let me bore you with a video of my daughter
thetejon: Still doing nothing
thetejon: I picked her up three seconds later
thetejon: JER_0245
thetejon: JER_0247
thetejon: JER_0248
thetejon: JER_0250
thetejon: JER_0251