thetalkingfarm: 2010.9.30lettuce
thetalkingfarm: 2010.9.30scarecrowsprial
thetalkingfarm: 2010.9.30eggplant
thetalkingfarm: 2010.9.30chard
thetalkingfarm: 2010.9.30longview
thetalkingfarm: Senior Studies with herb spiral
thetalkingfarm: New Walkway
thetalkingfarm: New walkway
thetalkingfarm: long view toward west
thetalkingfarm: New Walkway
thetalkingfarm: Lush Raised bed
thetalkingfarm: sunflowers
thetalkingfarm: cucumber squeeeezed
thetalkingfarm: harvested tomatoes, parsley, peppers
thetalkingfarm: constructing pathway
thetalkingfarm: moving gravel for the pathway
thetalkingfarm: constructing pathway
thetalkingfarm: constructing pathway
thetalkingfarm: view of EAPP student workers
thetalkingfarm: potato bins
thetalkingfarm: yellow crooked neck
thetalkingfarm: green beans
thetalkingfarm: firstbarrowful
thetalkingfarm: groupwork
thetalkingfarm: unloadtruck
thetalkingfarm: potato bin
thetalkingfarm: Longview