syncretism syndrome:
shondhe nemeche bari chol chute
syncretism syndrome:
' We are all hungry and thirsty for concrete images. Abstract art will have been good for one thing: to restore its exact virginity to figurative art.'
syncretism syndrome:
ghas phuus
syncretism syndrome:
oi shei cykil ti amar
syncretism syndrome:
majher poth
syncretism syndrome:
jp nagara, bangalore
syncretism syndrome:
syncretism syndrome:
'At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.'
syncretism syndrome:
didimoni ki chai tomar
syncretism syndrome:
syncretism syndrome:
chute chol
syncretism syndrome:
chotto chotto phuto guli
syncretism syndrome:
a wheelbarrow
syncretism syndrome:
syncretism syndrome:
motion blur....lunchtime!
syncretism syndrome:
oi chotto ghor ti
syncretism syndrome:
kaj koto
syncretism syndrome:
chol chol chol
syncretism syndrome:
' Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.'
syncretism syndrome:
' There's room for everybody on the planet to be creative and conscious if you are your own person. If you're trying to be like somebody else, then there isn't.'
syncretism syndrome:
syncretism syndrome:
dupur porlo bole
syncretism syndrome:
dara toh!
syncretism syndrome:
we do what we get
syncretism syndrome:
the atlas way
syncretism syndrome:
' No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow. '
syncretism syndrome:
Religion is the frozen thought of man out of which they build temples. '
syncretism syndrome:
"Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child."