Ormie (O): Stay…
Ormie (O): Defiance…
Ormie (O): He’s in safe hands, so they tell me…
Ormie (O): Fight back!…
Ormie (O): It must be love…
Ormie (O): A comforting word…
Ormie (O): Differences of opinions…
Ormie (O): Liaison…
Ormie (O): Everyone is different…
Ormie (O): Isn’t that an oxymoron?…
Ormie (O): Most definitely!…
Ormie (O): YES!…
Ormie (O): The Republic Plato…
Ormie (O): Now is the time!…
Ormie (O): Uck the Tories…