Ormie (O): The Boss...
Ormie (O): Is it adding up?...
Ormie (O): The Bog...
Ormie (O): 65F...
Ormie (O): In the morning light...
Ormie (O): The Inspector...
Ormie (O): Gone loco...
Ormie (O): All pull together...
Ormie (O): The Hat...
Ormie (O): Nodding off?...
Ormie (O): Electrifying...
Ormie (O): We need a bigger pram...
Ormie (O): There's lovely...
Ormie (O): Solidarity...
Ormie (O): The Artist...
Ormie (O): Joanna...
Ormie (O): As stag's do...
Ormie (O): If all fails, a good book...
Ormie (O): A good heart...
Ormie (O): Relaxed...
Ormie (O): The street vendor...
Ormie (O): Don't be...
Ormie (O): Chilled...
Ormie (O): Had a few...
Ormie (O): Cold snap...
Ormie (O): In conversation...
Ormie (O): Thirst quenched...
Ormie (O): The art of conversation, not...
Ormie (O): Festooned...
Ormie (O): A happy chappy...