Ormie (O): In scribe...
Ormie (O): On the town...
Ormie (O): I saw him there...
Ormie (O): We could be there...
Ormie (O): You need...
Ormie (O): The Reader...
Ormie (O): The Stag Party...
Ormie (O): Super hero...
Ormie (O): Face to face...
Ormie (O): Dance troop...
Ormie (O): Those boots were made for walking...
Ormie (O): Fighting animal...
Ormie (O): Guy... Folks
Ormie (O): Feeling it...
Ormie (O): It's in the eyes...
Ormie (O): Gee wiz...
Ormie (O): Don't try this at home folks...
Ormie (O): And what have we here...?
Ormie (O): Caricatures...
Ormie (O): The wedding shoot...
Ormie (O): The Advocate's Close...
Ormie (O): The pose... with a rose...
Ormie (O): Run, Leia, run...
Ormie (O): Hot dog...
Ormie (O): Geeza quid, mon...aye
Ormie (O): reaching out...
Ormie (O): Up, up... that's it...
Ormie (O): Really!...
Ormie (O): In portrait...
Ormie (O): Let me see...