the spotlight kid:
Red-legged Pademelon, near Lake Tinaroo, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Barred Cuckoo-shrike, near Cathedral Fig Tree, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Australian Brush-turkey, Lake Eacham, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Spotted Catbird, Malanda Falls Trail
the spotlight kid:
Atherton Scrubwren, Malanda Falls Trail
the spotlight kid:
Rufous Shrike-thrush, Peterson Creek Trail, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Rufous Shrike-thrush, Peterson Creek Trail, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Turtle, Peterson Creek Trail, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Butterfly, Peterson Creek Trail, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Spectacled Flying Fox, Peterson Creek Trail, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Spectacled Flying Fox, Peterson Creek Trail, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Spectacled Flying Foxes, Peterson Creek Trail, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Grey-headed Robin, Curtain Fig Tree, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Bush Stone-curlew, Lake Tinaroo, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Bush Stone-curlew, Lake Tinaroo, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
White-cheeked Honeyeater, Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Pied Currawong, Malanda Falls
the spotlight kid:
King Parrot, Malanda Falls Trail
the spotlight kid:
Malanda Falls Trail
the spotlight kid:
Spotted Catbird, Malanda Falls Trail
the spotlight kid:
Chestnut-breasted Mannikins, Lake Tinaroo
the spotlight kid:
Little Pied Cormorant, Lake Tinaroo
the spotlight kid:
Cotton Pygmy-geese, near Bromfield Swamp
the spotlight kid:
Wompoo Fruit-dove, Lake Eacham
the spotlight kid:
Brown Cuckoo-dove, Lake Eacham
the spotlight kid:
Brown Cuckoo-dove, Lake Eacham
the spotlight kid:
Scarlet Honeyeater, Lake Eacham
the spotlight kid:
Black-shouldered Kite, S of Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Channel-billed Cuckoo, S of Yungaburra
the spotlight kid:
Channel-billed Cuckoo, S of Yungaburra