the spotlight kid: Mule Deer, Convict Lake
the spotlight kid: Convict Lake
the spotlight kid: Mule Deer, Convict Lake
the spotlight kid: poss Song Sparrow, June Lake
the spotlight kid: poss Song Sparrow, June Lake
the spotlight kid: Yellow-rumped Warbler, June Lake
the spotlight kid: Say's Phoebe, Mono Lake
the spotlight kid: California Gull and Eared Grebes, Mono Lake
the spotlight kid: American Avocet, Mono Lake
the spotlight kid: Killdeer, Mono Lake
the spotlight kid: Killdeer, Mono Lake
the spotlight kid: Townsend's Solitaire, Diaz Lake, CA
the spotlight kid: Brown Creeper, Mt Whitney trailhead
the spotlight kid: Cassin's Finch, June Lake
the spotlight kid: Hairy Woodpecker, Lone Pine
the spotlight kid: California Quail, Lone Pine
the spotlight kid: White-crowned Sparrow, Lone Pine
the spotlight kid: White-crowned Sparrow, Lone Pine
the spotlight kid: American White Pelicans, Convict Lake
the spotlight kid: Desert Tortoise, Haiwee Resr, CA