the spotlight kid:
Kukla wetlands, North Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
Kukla wetlands, North Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
romulea sp (sand crocus), Alvakaya Forest Station, North Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
orchis anatolica (Anatolian orchid), Alvakaya Forest Station, North Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
orchis anatolica (Anatolian orchid), Alvakaya Forest Station, North Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
romulea sp (sand crocus), Alvakaya Forest Station, North Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
rock rose sp, near Alvakaya Forest Station, North Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
stacchys sp, Paphos Archaeolgical Park, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
mandragora officinarum (mandrake), Paphos Archaeolgical Park, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
orchis saccata (fan-lipped orchid),Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
orchis saccata (fan-lipped orchid),Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
muscari comosum (tassel hyacinth), Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
cyclamens, Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
cyclamens graecum, Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
DSC03548 Fsmall ophrys carmelii 'flavomarginata' (Mt Carmel orchid), Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
orchis saccata (fan-lipped orchid) white form, Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
cyclamens and muscari spp, Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
cyclamens, Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
ophrys carmeli 'flavomarginata' (Mt Carmel orchid), Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
ophrys lutea (yellow bee orchid), Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
ophrys lutea (yellow bee orchid), Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
DSC03553 Fsmall ophrys carmelii (Mt Carmel orchid), Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
DSC03549 Fsmall ophrys carmelii 'flavomarginata' (Mt Carmel orchid), Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
barlia robertiana (giant orchid), near Polis, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
barlia robertiana (giant orchid), roadside near Polis, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
barlia robertiana (giant orchid), roadside near Polis, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
barlia robertiana (giant orchid), roadside near Polis, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
barlia robertiana (giant orchid), roadside near Polis, Cyprus
the spotlight kid:
narcissus tazetta (bunch-flowered daffodil), near Kathikas, Cyprus