the spotlight kid:
red-winged blackbird, Niagara Falls
the spotlight kid:
common loon, Niagara Falls
the spotlight kid:
ring-billed gull, Oak Street Beach, Chicago
the spotlight kid:
field sparrow, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
field sparrow, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
field sparrow, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
field sparrow, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
field sparrow, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
savannah sparrow, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
Eastern phoebe, Abraham Lincoln home, Springfield, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
Eastern phoebe, Abraham Lincoln home, Springfield, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
savannah sparrow, near Hannibal, Missouri
the spotlight kid:
savannah sparrow, near Hannibal, Missouri
the spotlight kid:
red-headed woodpecker, near Hannibal, Missouri
the spotlight kid:
red-headed woodpecker, near Hannibal, Missouri
the spotlight kid:
killdeer, near Hannibal, Missouri
the spotlight kid:
killdeer, near Hannibal, Missouri
the spotlight kid:
purple martins, Hannibal, Missouri
the spotlight kid:
purple martins, Hannibal, Missouri
the spotlight kid:
American robin, Pere Marquette State Park, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
veery, Pere Marquette State Park, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
cliff swallow, Pere Marquette State Park, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
cliff swallow, Pere Marquette State Park, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
great white egret, Cahokia Mounds, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
great white egret, Cahokia Mounds, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
great white egret, Cahokia Mounds, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
brown thrasher, Lake of Egypt, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
blackpoll warbler, Lake of Egypt, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
blackpoll warbler, Lake of Egypt, Illinois
the spotlight kid:
Eastern bluebird, Lake of Egypt, Illinois