the spotlight kid: great kiskadee
the spotlight kid: neotropic cormorant
the spotlight kid: neotropic cormorant
the spotlight kid: great kiskadee
the spotlight kid: chimango caracara
the spotlight kid: chimangon caracara
the spotlight kid: chimango caracara
the spotlight kid: chimango caracara
the spotlight kid: picazuro pigeon
the spotlight kid: chalk-browed mockingbird
the spotlight kid: to be identified
the spotlight kid: to be identified
the spotlight kid: to be identified
the spotlight kid: golden-breasted woodpecker
the spotlight kid: ringed teal
the spotlight kid: golden-billed saltator
the spotlight kid: golden-billed saltator
the spotlight kid: to be identified
the spotlight kid: to be identified
the spotlight kid: black-and-rufous warbling-finch
the spotlight kid: golden-breasted woodpecker
the spotlight kid: golden-breasted woodpecker
the spotlight kid: rufescent tiger-heron
the spotlight kid: P1020283 (1024x768)
the spotlight kid: field flicker
the spotlight kid: white-tufted grebe