the spotlight kid: Monument of Marchese Spinetta Malaspina, from Verona, 1430-5. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Monument of Marchese Spinetta Malaspina, from Verona, 1430-5. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Buddhist shrine, from Mandalay Palace. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Two Women on a Veranda - Suzuki Harunobu 1765-70. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Three Women - Kitagawa Utamaro c1793. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: First Sunrsie of the New Year - Eishosai Choki c1790-95. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Woman at a Mirror - Kikukawa Eizan c1820. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Pillow with garden scene, Yuan Dynasty China, 1300-60
the spotlight kid: Panel of 80 tiles, Turkey, 1600-1700, V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Akbar Hunting at Palam, near Delhi - Narayan after Mukund 1590-95. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Rari Surjan hara Submitting to Akbar - Shankar after Mukund, 1590-95. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Line-fishing off Hastings - JMW Turner. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Life-boat and Manby Apparatus Going Off to a Stranded Vesel Making Signal (blue Lights) of Distress - JMW Turner. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Virgin and Child - Florentine School. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Cupid's Hunting Fields - Edward Burne-Jones. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Old Buildings on the Darro - David Robers. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: The Virgin and Child in Egypt - William Blake. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Our Lady Adoring the Infanty jesus Asleep on the Cross - William Blake. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Eve Tempted by the Serpent - William Blake. V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Free Essence - 6 (glass sculpture), Ikuta Niyoko, 2009 - V&A
the spotlight kid: OO-IX, Hiyashi Shigeki, 2013 - V&A
the spotlight kid: Kitagawa Utamaro, Three Women, c1793 - V&A
the spotlight kid: The Wall, Pink Floyd exhibition, V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: handbill for Knebworth 1975 concert, Pink Floyd exhibition, V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Hipgnosis artwork for Knebworth 1975 concert poster, Pink Floyd exhibition, V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Hipgnosis artwork for Wish You Were Here back album cover, Pink Floyd exhibition, V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Hokusai drumkit, Pink Floyd exhibition, V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Hipgnosis artwork for Ummagumma, Pink Floyd exhibition, V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: early influences, Pink Floyd exhibition, V&A Museum
the spotlight kid: Dharmachakra (Wheel of Law), Thailand 600-800, V&A Museum