the spotlight kid: large-billed crow
the spotlight kid: Asian koel male
the spotlight kid: Asian koel male
the spotlight kid: Asian koel female
the spotlight kid: Asian koel female
the spotlight kid: Indian house crow
the spotlight kid: white-bellied drongo
the spotlight kid: Sri Lanka woodshrike
the spotlight kid: white-bellied drongo
the spotlight kid: purple sunbird
the spotlight kid: chestnut-headed bee-eater
the spotlight kid: pale-billed flowerpecker
the spotlight kid: Oriental white-eye
the spotlight kid: Indian pitta
the spotlight kid: Indian pitta
the spotlight kid: chestnut-headed bee-eater
the spotlight kid: chestnut-headed bee-eater
the spotlight kid: white-browed bulbul
the spotlight kid: crested hawk-eagle
the spotlight kid: crested hawk-eagle
the spotlight kid: crested hawk-eagle
the spotlight kid: orange-breasted green pigeon
the spotlight kid: orange-breasted green pigeon
the spotlight kid: marsh sandpiper
the spotlight kid: malabar pied hornbill
the spotlight kid: lesser whistling ducks
the spotlight kid: little and great egrets
the spotlight kid: cattle egrets
the spotlight kid: cattle egrets