the spotlight kid: Audoin's gull
the spotlight kid: Audoin's gull
the spotlight kid: Turkish blue
the spotlight kid: black-headed bunting, Patara
the spotlight kid: black-headed bunting, Patara
the spotlight kid: black-headed bunting, Patara
the spotlight kid: crested lark, Harbour baths, Patara
the spotlight kid: frogs, main street, Patara
the spotlight kid: Cretschmar's bunting
the spotlight kid: gromwell ?
the spotlight kid: black-eared wheatears
the spotlight kid: bleck-eared wheatear
the spotlight kid: white stork, Patara
the spotlight kid: locust, Patara
the spotlight kid: lizard, Patara
the spotlight kid: lizard, Patara
the spotlight kid: red-fronted serin
the spotlight kid: red-fronted serin
the spotlight kid: Ruppell's warbler
the spotlight kid: white-throated robin
the spotlight kid: white-throated robin
the spotlight kid: white-throated robin
the spotlight kid: white-throated robin
the spotlight kid: white-throated robin
the spotlight kid: Black-eared wheatear
the spotlight kid: Black-eared wheatear