the spotlight kid: olive-backed sunbird
the spotlight kid: olive-backed sunbird
the spotlight kid: red-whiskered bulbuls
the spotlight kid: spotted dove
the spotlight kid: white wagtail
the spotlight kid: white-vented myna
the spotlight kid: Indian roller
the spotlight kid: lesser yellownape
the spotlight kid: woolly-necked storks
the spotlight kid: collared falconet
the spotlight kid: collared falconet
the spotlight kid: white-rumped pygmy-falcon
the spotlight kid: spot-billed pelican
the spotlight kid: Prek Toal reserve
the spotlight kid: Prek Toal reserve
the spotlight kid: lesser adjutants
the spotlight kid: lesser adjutants and Asian openbills
the spotlight kid: spot-billed pelican
the spotlight kid: white-rumped pygmy-falcon
the spotlight kid: rufous-winged buzzard
the spotlight kid: Eurasian tree sparrows, Prek Toal floating village
the spotlight kid: Asian openbill
the spotlight kid: Oriental darter
the spotlight kid: Oriental darter
the spotlight kid: Asian openbill
the spotlight kid: Oriental darters
the spotlight kid: lesser adjutant
the spotlight kid: grey-backed shrike
the spotlight kid: long-tailed shrike