the spotlight kid:
Varied thrush, Hastings Mill, Vancouver
the spotlight kid:
white-crowned sparrow
the spotlight kid:
Bald eagle, Vancouver, BC
the spotlight kid:
ring-billed gull, Jericho Park, Vancouver, BC
the spotlight kid:
double-crested cormorants, St Johns Islands, BC
the spotlight kid:
Thayer's gulls and harbour seals, St Johns Islands, BC
the spotlight kid:
Thayer's gulls and harbour seals, St Johns Islands, BC
the spotlight kid:
herring gulls and harbour seals, St Johns Islands, BC
the spotlight kid:
Bald eagle, Steveston, BC
the spotlight kid:
Bald eagle, Steveston, BC
the spotlight kid:
Bald eagle, Steveston, BC
the spotlight kid:
Northwestern crows, Vancouver
the spotlight kid:
Glaucous-winged gull
the spotlight kid:
Glaucous-winged gull
the spotlight kid:
American wigeon, Stanley Park, Vancouver
the spotlight kid:
Cackling Canada goose
the spotlight kid:
Greater white-fronted goose (taiga race)
the spotlight kid:
Greater white-fronted goose (taiga race)
the spotlight kid:
Cackling Canada goose (with common Canada goose)
the spotlight kid:
Mew gulls
the spotlight kid:
Golden-crowned sparrow
the spotlight kid:
Golden-crowned sparrow
the spotlight kid:
Ring-billed gull
the spotlight kid:
Hooded mergansers, Whistler
the spotlight kid:
Song sparrow, Pemberton meadows
the spotlight kid:
Dark-eyed junco (Oregon junco race)
the spotlight kid:
Barrow's goldeneyes
the spotlight kid:
Great blue heron, Lost Lagoon, Stanley Park
the spotlight kid:
Canada Geese
the spotlight kid:
Common mergansers