the spotlight kid:
Ghengis Khan gold coin
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Song Dynasty Bhodisattva
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Tang Dynasty equestrian statue
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Flowers by Zhao Zhikian Qing dynasty
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Flowers and fruits by Xu Wei, Ming dynasty
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Qing dynasty vase with a hundred deers
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One of the immortals, Qing dynasty vase
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Qing dynasty dish
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Tang tomb statue of guardian beast
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Late Shang Flat-legged Ding (food vessel) 13th - 11th century BC
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Mid Shang dynsaty (15th century BC) wine vessel
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Shanghai Museum
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Finger-painting of a long life blessing by Gao Qipei late 17rth c
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Landscape by Gao Xiang early 18th c.
the spotlight kid:
Drum and zither by Ren Xiong 1852