the spotlight kid: Spotted flycatcher - Ringstead Bay
the spotlight kid: Pectoral sandpiper - Easton, Portland - Copy
the spotlight kid: Shorelark at Cuckmere Haven, October 2010
the spotlight kid: Shorelark at Cuckmere Haven, October 2010
the spotlight kid: Shorelark at Cuckmere Haven, October 2010
the spotlight kid: Shorelark at Cuckmere Haven, October 2010
the spotlight kid: Shorelark at Cuckmere Haven, October 2010
the spotlight kid: Slavonian grebes
the spotlight kid: Slavonian grebes
the spotlight kid: Collared dove
the spotlight kid: Wigeon and teal
the spotlight kid: Mallard upending
the spotlight kid: Garden blackbird
the spotlight kid: Boxing Day - Waxwings on my TV aerial
the spotlight kid: Black-headed gull, Blackfriars Bridge
the spotlight kid: Through the kitchen window
the spotlight kid: This fieldfare took up residence in our garden January 2010
the spotlight kid: Rock pipit
the spotlight kid: Carrion crow