the spotlight kid: Yellow horned poppy - Ringstead Bay
the spotlight kid: Yellow horned poppy - Ringstead Bay
the spotlight kid: Sea kale - Ringstead Bay
the spotlight kid: Bluebells, - Chapel in the woods, Litton Cheney
the spotlight kid: Violet - Ringstead Bay October 2010
the spotlight kid: Maidenhair spleenwort, Blaencyswm
the spotlight kid: Maidenhair spleenwort, Strata Florida abbey
the spotlight kid: Common polypody, Delacouthi
the spotlight kid: Germander speedwell
the spotlight kid: Lesser celandines
the spotlight kid: Dog's mercury
the spotlight kid: Cowslips in the rain
the spotlight kid: Hedge garlic
the spotlight kid: Cow parsley
the spotlight kid: Lady's smock
the spotlight kid: Common milkwort
the spotlight kid: Cuckoo-pint
the spotlight kid: Comfrey with bee
the spotlight kid: Ground ivy
the spotlight kid: Barren strawberry