road triper: Grand Teton
road triper: Me & Grand Teton #1
road triper: Me & Grand Teton #2
road triper: Me & Grand Teton #3
road triper: Beloved Mazda & Grand
road triper: Grand Teton #2
road triper: Me & Grand Teton #4
road triper: Wind River Cutthroat (or Brookie -- I can't recall, looks more like a Brookie). Does it matter?!
road triper: The Only Girl. 6 days of grueling backpacking.Some of the best flyfishing in the world. An icy cold beer to welcome us back to civilization!
road triper: A blister to beat all blisters
road triper: Wind River hike 2007
road triper: Dog-Trot Cabin
road triper: Post Work-out
road triper: The Necklace
road triper: From the Top
road triper: Two Explorers
road triper: Scotty McGee
road triper: Corbet's Cabin
road triper: Grand the day after
road triper: base camp
road triper: initial hike to base camp
road triper: view from the upper saddle
road triper: view from the top #2
road triper: view from the top #1
road triper: view from the top #3
road triper: a grand glacier
road triper: a grand waterfall
road triper: Mountain Alpenglow