theslowlane: Evening in the Willamette Valley from the Amtrak train.
theslowlane: Next morning in Eugene after a night at University Inn.
theslowlane: Where I- 5 crosses Willamette River. Photo taken from a bike bridge.
theslowlane: Some time to explore in Eugene before taking Lane County Transit bus up to Rainbow.
theslowlane: At Eugene Transit Terminal.
theslowlane: Transit terminal, Eugene.
theslowlane: Near Rainbow in McKenzie Valley. Past fires, but today, Autumn rains have been there.
theslowlane: Forest fires went through much of McKenzie Valley in 2020.
theslowlane: My bike with one pannier left back at motel. Other pannier for day trips in the area.
theslowlane: Forests east of Rainbow were mostly intact.
theslowlane: Intersection. Highway 126 and Old McKenzie Pass Highway.
theslowlane: McKenzie Pass road was closed in 7 miles.
theslowlane: Yes.
theslowlane: Due to the road being closed up ahead, there was basically no traffic. The quietist ride I have had in years.
theslowlane: Morning mist rising from the road. It had rained the day before.
theslowlane: I had a picnic at the "road closed" sign 7 miles up McKenzie Pass Highway. Then came back down.
theslowlane: In years past, I used to camp at Delta Campground. Staying in hotels on my more recent trips.
theslowlane: Starting up to Terwillegar Hot Spring. One of the places I wanted to visit in the McKenzie Valley.
theslowlane: Starting up toward spring.
theslowlane: Another road closed. 10 miles to the closure. One could still get as far as the spring, however.
theslowlane: On my way up to the spring.
theslowlane: Fire damage on way to spring.
theslowlane: Fire damage on way to spring.
theslowlane: Bicycling up to Terwilleger Hot Spring from Rainbow.
theslowlane: Preventing rockfall.
theslowlane: Terwillegar Hot Spring.
theslowlane: Trail to spring. Area around the spring burned in 2018.
theslowlane: Cougar Hot Spring.
theslowlane: Cougar Hot Spring.
theslowlane: Cougar Reservoir.