theslowlane: While Val brought me by car to this reunion, she brought my bicycle as well. I biked the 8 miles from Pullman to Moscow where the reunion banquet was held at a convention center.
theslowlane: Looking out over the Palouse Fields.
theslowlane: More wheat fields.
theslowlane: Stopping by a friend's place in the Palouse country.
theslowlane: On our way back home from Pullman, a visit to a friend's place out in the Palouse fields. Kamiak Butte in the distance.
theslowlane: Painting on a garage door in the Palouse country.
theslowlane: Looking through old files, I find some artwork I did in 8th grade. Pastel color crayon. The sunny fields of the Palouse of eastern Washington near Pullman where I grew up.
theslowlane: Microsoft places various landscape photos on my computer monitor. This one from the Palouse fields around Pullman where I grew up.
theslowlane: Palouse country along Armstrong Road west of Pullman
theslowlane: So many flowers in the Channeled Scablands after a wet spring.
theslowlane: Little lakes in the Scablands.
theslowlane: Relaxing my legs at the motel spa. My legs still work pretty good. The bicycling lifestyle.
theslowlane: Palouse Railroad 2007
theslowlane: Along Washington State Highway 23
theslowlane: Decaying barn along Washington State Highway 23
theslowlane: Some subtle flowers in the Palouse in north part of Pullman
theslowlane: Saint John, WA.
theslowlane: Saint John, WA.
theslowlane: Wheat truck in Saint John
theslowlane: Round barn near Saint John, WA.
theslowlane: Starting to look more like Palouse wheat country
theslowlane: Wheat harvest on road between Colfax and Pullman
theslowlane: Nearing Pullman
theslowlane: Junk castle built by my high school art teacher Vic Moore
theslowlane: WSU Magpie Forest
theslowlane: Magpie Forest
theslowlane: We took a walk through the Magpie Forest near Sarah's place
theslowlane: I rode along trails to Moscow, Idaho
theslowlane: Bill Chipman Trail
theslowlane: Bill Chipman Trail