TheShutterDistrict: "Here sit the verdict makers, who have long decided the outcome by look and presumptions of the ones who entered before them...
TheShutterDistrict: Hot Springs- Let's just drive. Take a deep breath and I swear everything will be alright
TheShutterDistrict: Hot Springs- I leaked
TheShutterDistrict: Arkansas- In maximum memorability
TheShutterDistrict: Arkansas- Cows come home
TheShutterDistrict: Ted Turner... you win
TheShutterDistrict: Do you have a part for a 2005 Holiday Rambler?
TheShutterDistrict: Trailer King
TheShutterDistrict: The road I walked down...
TheShutterDistrict: Glass Trifecta Ghostly
TheShutterDistrict: It's a hard thug life!
TheShutterDistrict: 'Til the cows come home
TheShutterDistrict: Why, I oughta! Lemme at 'em!
TheShutterDistrict: Meagerly, gingerly, softly tell me you love me.
TheShutterDistrict: Long exposures in an Elevate-ure
TheShutterDistrict: Cockadoodledoo.
TheShutterDistrict: We're all spinning 'round
TheShutterDistrict: Spinning my wheels
TheShutterDistrict: Wheel in the sky
TheShutterDistrict: The feet of the passengers
TheShutterDistrict: Competing Light Show Vol. 5 -It's the Little Things
TheShutterDistrict: ...and a fire by night
TheShutterDistrict: The ladies...
TheShutterDistrict: Cartoon bombs
TheShutterDistrict: The Rain in Spain
TheShutterDistrict: Crown the coke
TheShutterDistrict: Searching for God Knows What
TheShutterDistrict: Build me a statue..