TheShoreFamily: Looks like a 5 foot drift
TheShoreFamily: Mar 23rd...enough snow already.....Get my DRIFT!
TheShoreFamily: Only tiny drifts in the back yard.
TheShoreFamily: Cats enjoying the sun
TheShoreFamily: All 5 in the picture.
TheShoreFamily: Shayla joins the crew
TheShoreFamily: Five cats enjoying some sun in the back of my truck
TheShoreFamily: This drift almost trapped the horses in this pasture
TheShoreFamily: Snow? - Bank on it
TheShoreFamily: Big drift in the front pasture
TheShoreFamily: There is a fence is just buried under snow
TheShoreFamily: North west pasture and more disappearing fence posts
TheShoreFamily: Drift in the south west pasture - note the fence posts disappear
TheShoreFamily: We do have basement windows - you just can't see them
TheShoreFamily: Lots of snow on the west side of the house
TheShoreFamily: Snow drift around the front of our raised bungalow
TheShoreFamily: Snow drift I'll have to deal with before it floods my basement
TheShoreFamily: There is a 3 foot tall drum buried at the base (flat part) of this little drift
TheShoreFamily: That should provide good moisture for the garden when...if spring comes
TheShoreFamily: Big drift in front of the garden shed
TheShoreFamily: The fire pit is now the snow pit
TheShoreFamily: There seems to be no end of the snow
TheShoreFamily: Zoomed out on the back yard
TheShoreFamily: Peaceful back yard
TheShoreFamily: Be a while before we can use this deck
TheShoreFamily: Winter version- lookin' out my back door
TheShoreFamily: It just came out of nowhere
TheShoreFamily: Dunes of the prairies
TheShoreFamily: The wind was very powerful
TheShoreFamily: More snow than we know what to do with