TheShoreFamily: This is Zazz
TheShoreFamily: Correct lead
TheShoreFamily: Warming up
TheShoreFamily: Not sure about this new place
TheShoreFamily: Getting used to the arena
TheShoreFamily: Ain't goin' & U can't make me
TheShoreFamily: Could have used a little more light
TheShoreFamily: Not the middle but over none the less
TheShoreFamily: First jump of the combo
TheShoreFamily: Proper tail form?
TheShoreFamily: Look ma no feet on the ground
TheShoreFamily: The SaskTel banner from the last horse show
TheShoreFamily: Cleared 2'9" easily
TheShoreFamily: He sure can jump
TheShoreFamily: Ken and Zazz the start of something great
TheShoreFamily: I will keep running though
TheShoreFamily: Nahah I won't go
TheShoreFamily: Easily clears big blue
TheShoreFamily: The approach path
TheShoreFamily: Over but not quite what was intended
TheShoreFamily: make-shift jumps ...for now