lamont_cranston: an action figure a day 1/365
lamont_cranston: aafad 2/365 holy sith!
lamont_cranston: aafad 3/365 here come the marines
lamont_cranston: aafad 4/365 archivist
lamont_cranston: aafad 5/365 sword envy
lamont_cranston: aafad 6/365 indiana jones and the canyon of the inlaws
lamont_cranston: aafad 7/365 help me obi-wan kenobi
lamont_cranston: aafad 8/365 hasbro xtreme crossover part II
lamont_cranston: aafad 9/365 in space, no one can hear you dematerialise
lamont_cranston: aafad 10/365 indiana jones and the tomb of the titans
lamont_cranston: aafad 11/365 the right stuff
lamont_cranston: aafad 12/365 indiana jones and the lost allen key of akator
lamont_cranston: aafad 13/365 out with the old ...
lamont_cranston: aafad 14/365 unicorn 66
lamont_cranston: aafad 15/365 vital information necessary
lamont_cranston: aafad 16/365 master?
lamont_cranston: aafad 17/365 team scarab
lamont_cranston: aafad 18/365 a nest of gundarks
lamont_cranston: aafad 19/365 this isn't like dusting crops, boy!
lamont_cranston: aafad 20/365 shadow of the bat
lamont_cranston: aafad 21/365 no phone, no pool, no pets
lamont_cranston: aafad 22/365 I can hold it ...
lamont_cranston: aafad 23/365 have fun storming the castle!
lamont_cranston: aafad 24/365 that belongs in a museum!
lamont_cranston: aafad 25/365 a murder of mandalorians
lamont_cranston: aafad 26/365 pwned!
lamont_cranston: aafad 27/365 not my usual ride ...
lamont_cranston: aafad 28/365 there's always a bigger fish ...
lamont_cranston: aafad 29/365 in union, power there is ...
lamont_cranston: aafad 30/365 revise, revise, revise ...