lamont_cranston: legends of khorvaire
lamont_cranston: zelfixis
lamont_cranston: alexia
lamont_cranston: bodach
lamont_cranston: triage
lamont_cranston: aafad 4/365 archivist
lamont_cranston: what's the dewey number for geek?
lamont_cranston: altair - front
lamont_cranston: altair - rear
lamont_cranston: aafad 84/365 ginsu action figure
lamont_cranston: aafad 102/365 knowledge is power
lamont_cranston: strider unleashed
lamont_cranston: close up
lamont_cranston: sword, sheath, knife, belt
lamont_cranston: quiver & bedroll
lamont_cranston: aafad 127/365 the ranger
lamont_cranston: in the wild ...
lamont_cranston: searching for uruk-hai
lamont_cranston: aafad 132/365 riders of rohan!
lamont_cranston: helm's deep
lamont_cranston: aafad 233/365 plotting plotting plotting
lamont_cranston: aafad 241/365 the game is afoot!
lamont_cranston: aafad 249/365 this is how i roll ...
lamont_cranston: aafad 272/365 familiar
lamont_cranston: aafad 276/365 corvus
lamont_cranston: aafad 288/365 in praise of man bags
lamont_cranston: aafad 326/365 be at peace ...
lamont_cranston: e is for encumberance