lamont_cranston: ithorian
lamont_cranston: old skool
lamont_cranston: il brutto
lamont_cranston: gunslinger
lamont_cranston: i'm looking for the owner of that horse. he's tall, blonde, smokes a cigar, and he's a pig!
lamont_cranston: the ugly
lamont_cranston: meet the aliens
lamont_cranston: the usual suspects
lamont_cranston: hi robot
lamont_cranston: happy birthday star wars
lamont_cranston: spooky
lamont_cranston: a gaggle of gojira
lamont_cranston: the aether storm
lamont_cranston: triage
lamont_cranston: legends of khorvaire
lamont_cranston: zelfixis
lamont_cranston: alexia
lamont_cranston: bodach
lamont_cranston: hockneyised ithorian
lamont_cranston: the shadow knows
lamont_cranston: troopers
lamont_cranston: (th)ree eyes
lamont_cranston: an action figure a day 1/365
lamont_cranston: aafad 2/365 holy sith!
lamont_cranston: aafad 3/365 here come the marines
lamont_cranston: aafad 4/365 archivist
lamont_cranston: aafad 5/365 sword envy