amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: But not half as impossible as everyone assumes
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: 365/365 On the road that I have taken, one day, walking, I awaken / Amazed to see where I have come, where I'm going, where I'm from
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: and I suddenly saw the heavens, unfastened and open
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Everything you do is full of flowers, rich with the earth
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: In that book which is my memory, on the first page of the chapter that is the day when I first met you appear the words: Here begins a new life
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: They seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if they had surprised a butterfly in the winter woods
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: It comes on like a flower from the earth
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: I have been standing all my life in the direct path of a battery of signals; the most accurately transmitted most untranslateable language in the universe
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: You Probably Couldn't See For The Lights But You Were Staring Straight At Me
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: No one else will travel through the shadows with me, only you, evergreen, ever sun, ever moon
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Like the changes that autumn brings, we need the courage to go ahead (287/366)
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: If You Were There, Beware (258/366)
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Happy Bokeh Wednesday! :D
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Standing Out In The Universe
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: The long hot summer just passed me by
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: "Now I see the secret of making the best person: it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth."
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Look out, you're what she came for
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: It's only the truth she holds in her hands
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: In the sea I would often eat dark sea cucumbers, strange kinds of amber, and storm lost cities
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Has anyone been granted as much joy as I have (it flows through my veins) and this fruitful unfruitful mixture that is my nature?
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: It is the stars not known to science that I would know, the stars which the lonely traveler knows
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: Be careful how you interpret the world: it is like that
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: And you slipped right through my fingers