chadsellers: Head shot
chadsellers: Sister attack
chadsellers: Homemade pizza
chadsellers: Preschool visit
chadsellers: Not quite yet, Leah
chadsellers: Hat bin
chadsellers: Story time
chadsellers: Molly's new sport
chadsellers: I am balancing
chadsellers: Above the bar
chadsellers: Below the bar
chadsellers: From the farmer
chadsellers: Her own baby doll
chadsellers: Brief moment of happiness
chadsellers: Reading a new book
chadsellers: A bit of a smile
chadsellers: Our Auburn girls
chadsellers: Focused Emmie
chadsellers: Strawberry lemonade cupcakes
chadsellers: Lots of cupcakes
chadsellers: Full spread
chadsellers: Butterfly wands
chadsellers: Streamers
chadsellers: Butterfly decorations
chadsellers: The four of us
chadsellers: The Longs
chadsellers: The birthday girl
chadsellers: Solemn Leah
chadsellers: Bubble wands
chadsellers: Great day for a drive