chadsellers: Waiting at BWI
chadsellers: Emmie's handprint
chadsellers: Emmie's footprint
chadsellers: Molly's handprint
chadsellers: High-five the plate
chadsellers: Girls handprints
chadsellers: Emmie's toeprint
chadsellers: Emmie giving her toeprint
chadsellers: Molly painting
chadsellers: Another color
chadsellers: Molly's plate
chadsellers: G'Mom's plate
chadsellers: Aunt 'Chelle's plate
chadsellers: Squirting Grampa
chadsellers: Squirting Mommy
chadsellers: Emmie swimming
chadsellers: Grandparents and granddaughters
chadsellers: Moms and daughters
chadsellers: Spinning in circles
chadsellers: Kisses for Mommy
chadsellers: Snuggling with Aunt Jen
chadsellers: Sweet smile
chadsellers: Swinging with G'Mom
chadsellers: Picking blueberries
chadsellers: Just Molly's size
chadsellers: Transferring blueberries
chadsellers: Emmie picking blueberries
chadsellers: Hey Grampa!
chadsellers: Helping G'Mom
chadsellers: Finding more blueberries