chadsellers: Almost ready
chadsellers: Going home
chadsellers: Snoozing
chadsellers: Mommy love
chadsellers: Sweet Grampa
chadsellers: Snuggling with G'mom
chadsellers: Finished Molly stocking
chadsellers: Grams swaying
chadsellers: Grams and Pop
chadsellers: 1 week dr. visit
chadsellers: Molly faces
chadsellers: Molly faces
chadsellers: Molly faces
chadsellers: Molly faces
chadsellers: Decorated lawn
chadsellers: Meeting Grammy
chadsellers: Napping on Daddy
chadsellers: 1st Easter
chadsellers: Easter dress
chadsellers: Dress-maker
chadsellers: Family pics
chadsellers: Family pics
chadsellers: Molly and Aunt Caroline
chadsellers: Easter lunch
chadsellers: Hammer pants
chadsellers: Something's exciting
chadsellers: Meeting Aunt 'Chelle
chadsellers: Think bald
chadsellers: Racked out