chadsellers: Happy girl
chadsellers: Cousins
chadsellers: Everyone get in on the fun
chadsellers: Upside down
chadsellers: Still enjoying
chadsellers: Playing with Grandma Dot
chadsellers: House repairs
chadsellers: On the dock
chadsellers: Reading with G'Mom
chadsellers: Auburn family
chadsellers: Floor play
chadsellers: More cousins
chadsellers: So sweet
chadsellers: Camera phones
chadsellers: Lake jog
chadsellers: First attempt at a life jacket
chadsellers: Riding on the Dottie B
chadsellers: Wind+sleepy=snuggly
chadsellers: Hanging with Mommy
chadsellers: Stop for lunch
chadsellers: Enjoying the break
chadsellers: Sunglasses
chadsellers: Winning pose
chadsellers: Swinging with Mommy
chadsellers: Feeding Molly
chadsellers: Movie night
chadsellers: One of the girls
chadsellers: Snuggle time
chadsellers: Fishing tourney