The Santiago Times:
Flyer Against Hídroaysen
The Santiago Times:
Face Painted Protester
The Santiago Times:
Environmental Representatives Talking with the Press
The Santiago Times:
Environmental Representatives Talking with the Press II
The Santiago Times:
Environmental Representatives Talking with the Press III
The Santiago Times:
Protesters Outside of La Moneda
The Santiago Times:
Crowd at La Moneda
The Santiago Times:
Protesters Trying to Get By Carabineros
The Santiago Times:
Upset Women
The Santiago Times:
Upset Woman II
The Santiago Times:
Face Painted Protesters
The Santiago Times:
Upset Protesters Blocked by Carabineros
The Santiago Times:
The Santiago Times:
Patagonia Without Dams
The Santiago Times:
Man On Loud Speaker
The Santiago Times:
Waving Flags
The Santiago Times:
The Santiago Times:
Patagonia Sin Represas
The Santiago Times:
Signing the Petition
The Santiago Times:
Signing the Petition II
The Santiago Times:
Against Hídroaysen Banner
The Santiago Times:
Environmental Representatives
The Santiago Times: